The Officers and Committee extend a warm invitation to anyone interested in training, working or competing with their dogs to join the Exmoor Gundog Club.
Please click the links below to download the documents you need to become a member. All files are in Microsoft Word format.
Membership applications will be considered by the Committee quarterly (1st March, 1st June, 1st September and 1st December).
Membership Form and SO Mandate 2025
Data Protection Statement 2018
Annual Membership Fees (renewable on 1st March each year):
Single: £10
Junior (8 – 16): £5
Gamekeeper/Retired G’Keeper: £5
Non UK: £15
(Please note there is a joining fee of £5 and your membership application will need to be proposed and seconded by an existing member of the Club. Juniors are exempt from paying the Joining Fee.)
Members’ details are all entered on the EGC Database. To keep this as accurate as possible, could I please ask you to inform me of any changes.
Membership Secretary: Mrs C Johns
St Georges, Wootton Courtenay, Minehead, Somerset TA24 8RL.
Telephone: 01643 841476