Exmoor Gundog Club > Field Trials > Results > 2023
We held an AV Novice Retriever Novice Stake yesterday (06.12.23) at Combe Davey. Our Judges were Sara Chichester, Matt Gould, Alistair House and Jess Latham.
The Guns, who were mainly local Gamekeepers, treated us to a display of exceptional shooting of typically high Exmoor birds.
The results were:
1st Adam Kerr’s Kenxtwen Honey Delight Lab B winning the Grayspeed Trophy
2nd Kate Opie handling her mother’s dog Studebaker Dodge Lab D winning Guns Choice and the Streamcombe Trophy for the Best Lady Handler in the awards
3rd Judy Rainey’s Tallygold Glimfeather at Deadcraft GR B winning the Tallygold Blackthorn Salver for the highest placed Golden Retriever
4th. Mandy Smith’s Flintsfield Shooting Star Lab B
COM Nicola Grainge’s Barweston Nimbus Lab D
We thank the Guns, our Judges, Team Exmoor, which today also included Ruth Caddy, Sally Bickersteth, Tor Pitcher, Mary Palk, Polly Adams and Mary Jane Opie, for their part in creating a very relaxed, happy and successful day.
Many congratulations to the worthy winner and all in the awards
AV Retriever All Aged Stake (our first!) held at Liscombe Shoot by kind invitation of Oliver and Zoe Rose on 24.10.23 and courtesy of John Mackekden and his team of Guns.
Judges: Dr Tim Woodgate-Jones (A156), Martin Bagg (B3233(, Patti Money-Coutts (NP4069) and Mandy Smith (NP4108)
The results were:
1st: Chris Gore’s Lab D Sorrelcott Nebraska of Brynambor
2nd: Jess Latham’s Lab B Zennawood Tinkers Monn
3rd: Richard Edwards’ Lab B Lovehayne Dixie
COM: Keith Sandercock’s Lab B Our Buttercup Meadow at Treranch

AV Retriever Novice Stake by kind invitation of our Chairman, Dr Tim Woodgate-Jones, and courtesy of the Exmoor Shooting Club held at Combe Davey on 10.1.23
Judges: Dr Tim Woodgate-Jones (A), Mike Jones (B), Jill Gardner (NP) and Julie Kelvie (NP)
1st Marion Hanman’s Haddeo Cara of Salander GR B 21.4.19
2nd Victoria Pitcher’s Ashport Plum of Mowbarton Lab B 7.6.19 who also won Guns’ Choice
3rd Mary-Jane Opie’s Studebaker Dodge Lab D 22.5.20 handled by Kate Opie
4th Ellena Nunneley’s Swiftlands River Lab D 21.10.20