

Julie Taylor and Clare Oldham will be running this summer’s training for retrievers and spaniels at a variety of venues across Exmoor and the Quantocks (dates to be confirmed).

The registration meeting will be at the Rising Sun, West Bagborough on Saturday, 29th March 10.00 – 12.00 where you can meet the trainers, sign up for the training (you can join the Club on the day) and hear a talk on Canine First Aid by Phil Brown from White Lodge Veterinary Practice.

For further information or to register please contact:
Julie Taylor (Retrievers)
01984 618699 or 07815 209722

Clare Oldham (Spaniels)
07725 908606

Later on in the summer we will be arranging for both Retrievers and Spaniels:

By popular request, another training day for Spaniels with Sam Thatcher

An introduction to working tests to include short talk about dress code, etiquette and what to expect on the day. Training on four different test scenarios in the morning and a mock working test in the afternoon with scores. You will need to bring your own refreshments.

A KC WGC for Retrievers on dummies preceded by four evening training sessions (Mandy Smith will be the trainer with Kelvin Nettleingham and Mandy judging the assessment)

A water training day with Puppies and ND/NHs in the morning, Novice and Open in the afternoon

An introduction to walked up trials, (in roots if possible), with Spaniels working in front of the line



Exmoor Gundog Club

Exmoor Gundog Club