AV Retriever Puppy, Novice Dog/Novice Handler and Novice GWT
Great Bradley, Withypool, Somerset on Sunday 17th June, 2018
Judges: Dr Tim Woodgate-Jones (A156), Roger Davis and Mary Palk
Puppy (10 entries, 1 withdrawal)
1st Caroline Nunneley’s Lab D Movenne Tanner
2nd Roland Stacey’s Lab D Kensteen Kansas Star
3rd Jo Fergie’s Lab B Skyflight Allthatjazz
Novice (22 entries, 2 withdrawals, 2 NFC)
1st Pete Nicholas’ Lab D Skanseara Rockfeller
2nd Jo Yates’ Lab D Kenquince Meet Meet on the Star
3rd Sam Ricketts’ Lab B Hollowbrook Carron
4th Michelle Cox’s Mekoro Storm Surge of Wickmoor
Barbara Dolman’s Lab B Movenne Sabine
Mo Sweet’s FCR B Hoaroak Hill
Pete Leyden Lab B Ticefield Nightjar
Jo Fergie’s Lab D Percy Pine of Skyflight
ND/NH (8 entries) judged by Sheila Neary
1st Tessa Lake’s Lab B Room Hill Rhubarb
2nd Carolan Smerdon’s Lab Smale Jaffa
3rd Danielle Print’s Lab B Exmoor Girl
4th Edith Kreutner GR B Auchencloch Fable
AV Retriever Open and Veteran GWT
Combe Davey on Sunday, 22nd April, 2018
Judges: Steve Ashby (A2549), Alan Ging and Sally Ashby
Open (31 entries, 3 withdrawals)
1st Caroline Nunneley Lab D Lillyhorn Peregrine
2nd Julie Kelvie’s Lab D Willowyck Tank from Streamcombe
3rd Jane Manley’s Lab D Lenyam Justintime
4th Mary Jarrod’s GR D Chishillhyde Lewis
Veteran (5 entries, 1 withdrawal)
1st Julie Kelvie’s Lab D Streamcombe Tavy
2nd Mary Jarrod’s GR D Lilleburne Ripple Reed