Our AV Retriever Novice Stake was held on 30.12.24 at Combe Davey judged by Roger Wade (A), Kelvin Nettleingham (B), Mandy Smith (NP) and Reuben Corbett (NP).
The results were:
1st. Louise Latham’s Lab bitch Zennawood Olive
Guns’ Choice was Linda Newnes’ Castletioram Nighean Alba
We held our AV Retriever All Aged Stake on 12.10.24 at the Liscombe Shoot judged by Helena Sully (A), Ken Green (B), Jess Latham (NP) and Laurie Pittaway (NP).
The results were:
1st Kate Opie handling her mother’s Lab dog Studebaker Dodge
2nd Phil Dyson handling Phil Grundy’s Lab bitch FFynongain Pearle
COM Victoria Pitcher’s Lab bitch Ashport Plum of Mowbarton
Guns’ Choice Nigel Sheppard’s Lab dog Tallamelie Grizzly Bear